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Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Facebook refuse to remove rape incitement, rape apologism, abuse and misogyny pages even when begged.
This, from Change.org, but endorsed wholeheartedly by me:
Facebook says that hate speech and incitements to violence are banned and will be removed from their site. So why are they maintaining a page called "Riding Your Girlfriend Softly Cause You Don't Want to Wake Her Up"? And another page about "throwing bricks at sluts" that includes a photo gallery of portraits asking "Bang or Brick"? There are pages called "Raping Your Mate's Girlfriend to See if She Can Put Up A Fight", “Kicking Sluts in the Vagina,” and “I Know a Silly Little Bitch that Needs a Good Slap.” There's another page entitled "Don't You Hate it When You Punch a Slut in the Mouth and They Suck It." It has 2,086 Likes. There's another page celebrating the pleasures, for the perpetrators, of "Punching Pregnant Women in the Stomach." The page dedicated to "Abducting, raping and violently murdering your friend, as a joke" has more than 16,600 Likes.
There has even been an organized effort to use Facebook’s own reporting system to flag these and other pages that encourage rape and violence against women so they’ll be taken down. But Facebook hasn’t done a thing.
Now, Change.org member John Raines is going straight to the top. He started a petition on Change.org telling Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to take down these pages and take a stronger stand against violence against women.
Will you sign John’s petition to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg? Sign on, and tell Facebook to remove pages promoting rape and violence against women now.
The petition has more than 160,000 signatures and still Facebook have done nothing. When 1 in 3 women will be sexually abused and/or assaulted in her lifetime, pages like these -- and the reactions they elicit -- are downright scary. Tens of thousands of people have "liked" these pages. Some people even use them as platforms to share rape fantasies and receive explicit tactics for how to carry them out.
Tell Facebook to take down pages that promote violence against women
John has seen the devastating impact of sexual violence and rape firsthand, on his own family. That's why he created this petition on Change.org to get Facebook to enforce its existing policies and to make it clear that content promoting rape and violence against women violates Facebook's Terms of Service and won't be tolerated.
Please sign John's petition. Tell Facebook to stop providing a platform to promote rape and violence against women.
Thanks for being a change-maker,
Shelby Knox [the incredible woman behind Change. org] and the Change.org team
Justice for Women,
Rights of Women,