“The hospitals are filled with children with vaccine preventable diseases.”
Johanna Sekennes, Médecins Sans Frontières, Head of Mission ,
The rain’s falling thickly onto the roads in rural eastern Mali ,
preventing cars from passing and making travel by foot virtually impossible.
Yet – as a beautifully shot yet hard-hitting new short film, A Preventable
Fate, by Venetia Dearden, makes clear – the rainy season does not mean a
halt to all industry. Instead, it coincides
with the farming season. Hard-working women, many with children on their backs,
labour in the fields to ensure a good crop and a good livelihood. Their
responsibilities to the land, to their families and to the sustainability of their
agricultural practices, combined with environmental and other external factors,
are just some of the complex obstacles standing in the way of them accessing
adequate healthcare for themselves and their children. In the first year of
their lives, children must receive vaccines five separate times – a tough ask
for women given the distance that sometimes needs to be covered, the cost or
difficulty of the journey and the other labour-demands a woman is subject to for survival.
The images of rural life in Dearden’s film have a
liveliness, community spirit and wholesomeness which belie the tougher
realities of under-resourcing in the area and generally in rural and
economically disadvantaged regions across the developing world. A Preventable
Fate is part of a series of six films around the theme of Fatal
Neglect, produced by Doctors Without Borders to highlight the obstacles
faced by millions of people worldwide in accessing quality healthcare. The
series also includes a study of treatment-resistant TB and three neglected tropical
In looking at the issue of vaccinations and immunisation in Mali
we see that the women working so hard in the fields do not have a day to spare
to take their children to be vaccinated – a journey which is difficult even by
car, let alone on foot. If a woman happens to live in a village where there is
no local vaccine campaign, she may have to go even further away. A Preventable
Fate features a woman explaining to a doctor at a vaccine project that she has
two children and came to visit the project by bike, “and I got a flat tyre. So
I had to walk. It’s very difficult.” It is too much to demand of a mother or
other caregiver that they take each child to a vaccine campaign outpost at
least five times within that child’s first year, when shortages of vaccines may
mean that repeat visits are necessary, and that trips are made without knowing
whether the vaccines will be available. For those children who receive perhaps
two or three of their five shots in the first year, few workable systems are in
place to record, trace and make up for the vaccines they have missed when they
are a little older.
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Photograph (c) Medecins Sans Frontieres |
Thus the seemingly simple question of providing vaccines
becomes complicated in areas where electricity provision and consequently
refrigeration is sporadic, healthcare professionals are scarce, distances
between services and users are long, natural temperatures are high and road
quality is variable. What is required is the development of vaccines which are easier to deliver and easier to administer to children.
In May 2012 the 65th World Health Assembly
designed a Global Vaccines Action Plan to kickstart a well-funded Decade of
Vaccines project working towards global vaccination. However, as the Fatal
Neglect project makes clear, all major health initiatives must be sensitive to
the particular challenges and particular contexts in which healthcare
initiatives are established and provided – with a particular focus on those who
are being left out due to issues to pricing, the adaptation of medicines and
logistical barriers. MSF’s report The Right Shot: Extending the
Reach of Affordable and Adapted Vaccines explains some of these issues
in detail. They suggest that instead of developing countless (and expensive) new
vaccines such as those against pneumococcal disease and rotavirus, the basics
of existing routine vaccine systems should be perfected and adapted to theenvironments in which they will be used so that they can benefit the most
children, especially in remote, rural, civically fragile/unstable or
economically disadvantaged areas. In India ’s
state of Bihar , for example, 60% of babies are not fully
vaccinated. The MSF points out that failure to perfect the access, ease,
stability and application of the most basic vaccine programmes have resulted in
recent outbreaks of preventable diseases, like the 2010 measles outbreak in 28
African countries. In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) alone, 100,000
cases were reported between January 2011 and October 2011. Although there are many factors affecting the pricing of vaccines, a cynical reading
could conclude that the basic, inexpensive vaccines programmes are not being
perfected because there is little financial incentive for pharmaceutical
companies to tailor their vaccines to help those populations who have little
purchasing clout as consumers themselves.
The message
on vaccines and immunisations is clear, but tough to swallow. At the
moment, 20% of all babies born in the world – that is 22 million children born
last year alone - are not receiving protection against basic yet potentially
fatal diseases such as measles, meningitis, diphtheria and yellow fever.
Underpinning the moral argument that all
children born worldwide deserve the basic human right to life, health,
protection and the best start in life, since medicine should
not be a luxury is the transformative future effect we can envisage on
already-pressurised global healthcare initiatives. Universal vaccination would
drastically reduce pressure on hospitals, child mortality rates and sickness
rates. Vaccines must be researched,developed, produced and delivered in such a way that they are easier to use, easier to
administer, more temperature-stable, easier to transport, adapted to developing
countries’ environmental factors and also the medical factors – that is, the
specific strains of the diseases found in the countries in which they will be
used. Single dose vaccines which do not required difficult multiple visits; vaccines
which are administered orally rather than by injected; well-trained, numerous
and either highly mobile or strongly rooted and dedicated local healthcare
professionals; vaccines which are affordable to all countries in the long run
and not just those which rely on finite donor support through the Global
Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI) to pay for them; and vaccines which do not
degrade in variable temperatures would be just some of the ways forward, or
more that 22 million children will pay the price.
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Photo (c) Medecins San Frontieres |
Bidisha is a 2013 Fellow for the International Reporting Project. She is reporting on issues of global health and development.